Our company

We are a company dedicated to expert, timely, and professional translation. The priority of those who work at Linguæ is quality and precision in transferring texts between languages and cultures. The goal of Linguæ is to achieve faithful and efficient correspondence between the original texts and their counterparts in the various target languages.

Our founders

Mario Murgia

MARIO MURGIA holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree in Language and Modern Literatures from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). With over thirty years of experience in the field of translation and writing of academic and literary texts, Murgia has collaborated with publishers, media outlets, and organizations such as the National Electoral Institute of Mexico, National Geographic, Cambridge Authors, Lexington Books, Oxford University Press, Arts of Mexico, and Literature UNAM, among many others.

Magdalena Palencia

MAGDALENA PALENCIA has been dedicated to working with languages for 30 years. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Language and Modern Literatures from UNAM and has a master’s degree in Humanities and Cultures from the Helénico Cultural Institute. She has translated articles, contracts, international cooperation agreements, and specialized books for publishers such as MacMillan, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the National Electoral Institute, and Literatura UNAM, among others. She has also contributed to three different editions of British English-Spanish-English dictionaries for Oxford University Press and Harper Collins.

Our collaborators

Socorro Soberón

Socorro Soberón holds two degrees: Mathematics and English Literature. She studied Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and completed her master’s and doctoral degrees at the University of Oxford, England. Later, she enrolled in the bachelor’s program in Modern Language and Literature (English) at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of UNAM in 2005 and continued her education in the Translation Master’s program at the Colegio de México. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate in English Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. Since 2014, she has been a Lecturer in the Translation Department of the now National School of Languages, Linguistics, and Translation, formerly CELE. Among other subjects, she has conducted workshops on the translation of technical and scientific texts, as well as translation of narrative, poetry, and theater.

Raúl Ariza

Raúl Ariza Barile graduated with a degree in English Literature from UNAM (2007). He holds a master’s degree in Comparative Literature from Dartmouth College and a doctorate in English Literature from the University of Texas at Austin. Currently, he is the director of the English Literature department in the Division of Open and Distance Education at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature. He has a 20-year career as an independent translator and has worked for publishers, media, and academic and cultural organizations.

Rodrigo Cerda Orozco

Rodrigo Cerda Orozco is an experienced Chinese/English/Spanish teacher, interpreter, and translator with over 20 years of experience. He has worked as a freelance translator for major companies such as Coca-Cola, Nestlé, and Ford, translating various types of documents including technical, scientific, literary, legal, and technological specifications. He has also worked as a film and TV scriptwriter, style proofer, and script adapter for projects in film, television, and theater. Additionally, Rodrigo has extensive experience as a foreign languages teacher, teaching English, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese to both private students and at language schools. He has also worked as an airlines representative and supervisor, handling various responsibilities including passenger services, ticket sales, cargo services, and crisis management. Rodrigo holds a BA in English Modern Literature from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and has language skills in English (Proficiency), Mandarin Chinese (Intermediate-Advanced), and French (Intermediate Level).

Dra. Emma Julieta Barreiro

She took a bachelor’s degree in English Literature at UNAM, a research postgraduate (MPhil) in Comparative Literature at the University of Edinburgh, and earned a Ph.D. in Literature with honors at UNAM with a comparative study on cultural issues in versions of Jeremiah’s Lamentations by John Donne and Francisco de Quevedo. She translates literary and non-literary texts from German, English, French, and Dutch into Spanish, as well as from Spanish into English. She was in charge of the Translation Desk at the Periódico de Poesía of UNAM from 2013 to 2018. Currently, she is a professor in the Translation Bachelor’s program at the National School of Languages, Linguistics, and Translation (ENALLT), and in the English Literature Bachelor’s program at the Open University and Distance Education System (SUAyED) of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in Mexico City, where she has also taught various courses in the Department of Modern Languages since 2002. Among her published translations are the German novel El ojo desnudo (UNAM, 2016) by the German-Japanese author Yoko Tawada and the English novel Todo era adiós (UNAM, 2014) by the Canadian-Pakistani author Gurjinder Basran. In poetry, she co-translated with Jean Portante the anthology Oscuro es el interior de la boca. 14 poetas de la lengua alemana de hoy (2018), published by ENALLT-UNAM and Floricanto, with the support of the Translation Promotion Program of the Goethe Institut. She also participated in the translation from German and authored the prologue for the poetry book Más allá de la piel by Michael Speier (UAM, 2021).

Mtra. Montserrat Mira Mosso

Montserrat Mira Mosso graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Italian Language and Modern Literatures from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at UNAM, and she holds a Master’s degree in Translation from El Colegio de México. As part of her specialization in Italian and translation, she has undertaken study and research stays at the Università per Stranieri di Perugia and the Università per Stranieri di Siena. Additionally, she has received training in the area of teaching Spanish as a second language at the Center for Teaching Foreigners of UNAM. Since 2011, she has been a lecturer in the department of Italian Literature in the areas of Language, Literature, and Translation. She has participated in various international congresses dedicated to Italian Studies and Translation, including the Italo Calvino Extraordinary Chair and the International Meeting of Literary Translators. Alongside her teaching activities, she has worked as an independent translator. Since 2019, she has been collaborating with the Campos de Plumas magazine, where she has published Spanish translations, especially of Italian writers from the Novecento. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature at UNAM.